In an attempt to eradicate a generation and evacuate the obsolete or elderly with confusing nonsense media, Spectrum has turned from our neighborhood spiderman into a debacle of clowns thrown overboard, jumping back and forth with mixed perceptions, swallowing seniors and communities in an awkwardly aggressive false spoof advertising with strong plagiaristic connotations.
People of all ages even seniors have unlearned intelligence and basic tools in life like driving. The double line has turned into a passing zone, and people parking in the middle of the street. You can drive your car right up to the beach… even in the valleys (where there are no beaches). Drive-thrus have become like Daytona 500 pitstops where people coming hurling out of the exits with babies popping of their windows and noses already on the road. Seniors crumbling in confusion and falling apart to super aggressive media, tailgating families and other elders with blank looks, perpetuated by nonsense media that started heavily on the “turned” once good, now intentionally terrible Spectrum media.
Why would a default cable channel intentionally inhibit aggressive nonsense media? It is a default channel folks, it makes no sense. They are trying to wait until the elderly over 65 are gone, and the children of the now think it is normal. So that in 20 years into the future, everyone can forget how they suddenly changed in such a shameful negative way – from a great general news station into complete nonsense media. It’s not normal and will not be normal in 10 years, you can’t unlearn intelligence amongst the masses.