Seniors of all sorts are still getting railroaded by social ‘normalcies.’ Bikers riding in the middle of the road on some Trump moratorium, seniors driving crazy, seniors that a part of the trump support even though he is against seniors, and seniors that don’t wear masks because the media keeps telling them it is ok.
Take a look at this KeyBank front page, and tell me the inaccuracies… First of all what the hell is #easyup it sounds like a rip on Ebonics same and similar to the picture of the weird people (falsely expressing diversity) gawking like they just won a million dollar lottery. It’s too much! And the “fresh starts, start here” is all together stupid, KeyBank is a far cry from the Greek philosophers, it’s a false (open-ended) expression. Save the writing for the real writers not the tabloids. It’s embarrassing and wasting good material unnecessarily on crap. And “it’s a checking account, not a country club,” again cut it out with the open-ended puns save it for the real writers. It’s too much!
Companies are attempting to steal dialect and Ebonics at the same time. It’s disgusting!!!