Golden Age Seniors...Universe

Seniors still getting railroaded by society ‘normalcies’

Seniors of all sorts are still getting railroaded by social ‘normalcies.’ Bikers riding in the middle of the road on some Trump moratorium, seniors driving crazy, seniors that a part of the trump support even though he is against seniors, and seniors that don’t wear masks because the media keeps telling them it is ok.

Take a look at this KeyBank front page, and tell me the inaccuracies… First of all what the hell is #easyup it sounds like a rip on Ebonics same and similar to the picture of the weird people (falsely expressing diversity) gawking like they just won a million dollar lottery. It’s too much! And the “fresh starts, start here” is all together stupid, KeyBank is a far cry from the Greek philosophers, it’s a false (open-ended) expression. Save the writing for the real writers not the tabloids. It’s embarrassing and wasting good material unnecessarily on crap. And “it’s a checking account, not a country club,” again cut it out with the open-ended puns save it for the real writers. It’s too much!

Companies are attempting to steal dialect and Ebonics at the same time. It’s disgusting!!!

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