Golden Age Seniors...Universe

The ‘Kingstonian’ Project Hits A Wall!

The ‘Kingstonian’ is a projected $52 Million dollar project that is supposed to restructure the downtown area of Kingston in the area of North Front St. and Fair St Ext. (pic above) the backside of the project would include a walkway (pedestrian bridge) that would cross Schwenk Drive to Kingston Plaza. The project is hitting some hitches as it crosses over into another zone. The pictures were snagged from the DailyFreeman.

I personally think the project sounds phenomenal, but the expense is very high. Also, it would raise the rental units substantially, which is unfair to the current residents of that community. I think the city of Kingston should focus on jump-starting the Hudson Valley Mall, and getting that back to its grand! This is good to entice, encourage more prominent (wealthy) residents, but at the same time it also ignores the poorer community that lives there.

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